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Pre-nuptial agreements in Australia


Understanding Pre-nuptial Agreements

Pre-nuptial agreements, often referred to as 'pre-nups', are legal contracts entered into by couples before they get married or enter into a de facto relationship. These agreements are designed to protect each individual's assets and financial interests in the event of a relationship breakdown. In Australia, pre-nuptial agreements are covered under the Family Law Act and are officially known as Binding Financial Agreements (BFAs).

Why Consider a Pre-nuptial Agreement?

While discussing pre-nuptial agreements may not seem like the most romantic topic, it can be an essential step for many couples. It allows them to establish the financial rights and responsibilities of each party in the relationship, providing a clear understanding of what would happen in the event of a separation. Pre-nuptial agreements can be particularly important for those who have significant assets, children from a previous relationship, or own a business.

What Can Be Included in a Pre-nuptial Agreement?

Pre-nuptial agreements can cover a wide range of financial matters. These can include:

  1. The division of property and financial resources
  2. Spousal maintenance
  3. How debts will be handled
  4. Superannuation splitting
financial agreement

Validity and Enforceability of Pre-nuptial Agreements

For a pre-nuptial agreement to be legally binding in Australia, certain requirements must be met. Both parties must have signed the agreement voluntarily and without any undue influence or pressure. Each party must also have received independent legal advice before signing the agreement. Furthermore, the agreement must be fair and reasonable to both parties.

Can a Pre-nuptial Agreement be Overturned?

Yes, a pre-nuptial agreement can be set aside by a court in certain circumstances, such as if there was fraud, duress, or a significant change in circumstances that would make the agreement unfair or inequitable. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that your pre-nuptial agreement is drafted correctly and thoroughly reviewed by a legal professional.

legal consultation

Getting Legal Advice

Given the complex nature of pre-nuptial agreements, it's crucial to seek legal advice. A skilled family lawyer can provide guidance and ensure that the agreement is drafted correctly, protecting your interests and those of your partner. Remember, it's not about planning for divorce; it's about providing clarity and certainty for both parties in the relationship.


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