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How to Buy a Property at an Auction in Queensland

Buying a property at an auction can be a rewarding experience, but it also requires preparation, strategy, and discipline. In this informative article, we will share some tips and advice on how to buy a property at an auction in Queensland, based on the expert opinions of real estate agents, auctioneers, and buyers’ agents.

auction, conveyancing lawyer, camp hill


Before the auction

The first step to buying a property at an auction is to do your homework. You need to research the property, the market, and the auction process before you bid. Here are some things you should do before the auction day:

  • Inspect the property. You should inspect the property as many times as possible, and check its condition, features, location, and potential. You should also arrange for a building and pest inspection, as there is no cooling-off period for buying at an auction. If you are the successful bidder, you will have to settle the contract even if the property has any defects or issues.
  • Arrange your finance. You should have a pre-approved home loan before you bid at an auction, as this will give you a clear idea of your budget and your borrowing capacity. You should also have enough funds to pay the deposit, which is usually 10% of the purchase price, on the spot if you win the auction. You can pay the deposit by a personal cheque, a bank cheque, or a deposit bond.
  • Get a property valuation. You should get an independent valuation of the property to help you determine its worth and avoid overpaying. You can also compare the property with similar properties that have sold recently in the same area, and ask the selling agent for a list of comparable sales.
  • Get legal advice. You should get a solicitor or a conveyancer to review the contract of sale and the terms and conditions of the auction before you bid. They can advise you on any legal issues or risks, and help you with the settlement process if you win the auction.
  • Register to bid. You need to register with the auctioneer before you can bid at an auction. You will need to provide your name, address, phone number, and identification, and you will receive a bidder’s number or a paddle. Only registered bidders can bid on the day.

At the auction

The auction day can be nerve-wracking, but it has been suggested that you can increase your chances of success [subjective] by following these tips:

  • Arrive early. You should arrive at least 30 minutes before the auction starts, so you can find a good spot to bid from, observe the crowd and the competition, and ask any last-minute questions to the selling agent or the auctioneer.
  • Be confident. You should project confidence and authority when you bid, as this can deter other bidders and impress the seller. You should also dress smartly, make eye contact with the auctioneer, and use clear and assertive gestures and voice when you bid.
  • Bid early and low. You should start bidding as soon as the auctioneer calls for an opening bid, and start with a low bid that is below your limit. This will give you more control over the bidding process, and allow you to gauge the interest and the mood of the other bidders.
  • Go slow. You should bid slowly and steadily, and avoid jumping in with large increments. This will give you more time to think and react, and also signal to the other bidders that you are not desperate or emotional. You should also pause and hesitate before you bid, and ask the auctioneer to repeat the bid if you are not sure.
  • Set yourself a firm limit. You should have a maximum price that you are willing to pay for the property, and stick to it. You should not let your emotions or the pressure of the auction influence you to bid beyond your limit. You should also have a backup plan in case you miss out on the property, such as looking for another property or negotiating with the seller after the auction.

After the auction

If you are the successful bidder at the auction, you will need to do the following:

  • Sign the contract. You will need to sign the contract of sale and pay the deposit to the selling agent or the auctioneer. The contract is legally binding and unconditional, and you cannot change your mind or back out of the deal.
  • Arrange the settlement. You will need to arrange the settlement of the property with your solicitor or conveyancer, and complete the transfer of ownership and the payment of the balance of the purchase price. The settlement period is usually 30 to 90 days, depending on the contract terms.
  • Celebrate. You have just bought a property at an auction, and you should be proud of yourself. You can now celebrate your achievement and look forward to moving into your new home.

I hope you find this article helpful and informative. If you have any questions or feedback, please let me know at or call 0452 441 583.

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